Ingenieurbüro Planungsbüro Tragwerksplanung

Structural Engineering

Sound basis

The IPRO structural engineering team designs and constructs your buildings according to schedule and reliable. We consider your special requests, advise on economical construction methods and support with maintenance of existing buildings. For us planning in existing environment is just as matter of course as green field design. Evaluation and reinforment of existing reinforced or steel works belong to our range of services. The special requirements of industrial constructions are self-evident for us.

Basic services

Basic services

  • all civil construction phases according to German HOAI §49-52
  • execution of verifiable structural calculations for objects at home and abroad
  • steel construction overviews, formwork and reinforcement plans for reinforced concrete structures
  • construction acceptance and site management or site supervision for the client
  • structural calculations under consideration of TRAS320

Special services

Special services

  • estimation of dynamic influences of equipment on the structure as well as concepts for the isolation of vibrations on the structure
  • regular inspection of structures in accordance with VDI 6200 for our customers as inspection by a competent person and as detailed inspection by particularly competent persons (according to DIN 6200)
  • preparation of repair concepts and maintenance plans for reinforced concrete structures and steel structures, preparation of building books or object books
  • design and refurbishment of facilities for storing, filling, manufacturing and handling of water-polluting substances according to German WHG

Objects and special constructions

Objects and special constructions


  • planning of spatial frameworks for industrial plants, steel construction and reinforced concrete construction of factory buildings
  • large-area foundations for buildings and silo groups, pile head plates
  • structures in sliding and climbing formwork
  • industrial bridge systems for pipelines and conveyor systems

Special constructions

  • prestressed large reinforced concrete silos, in particular storage silos for sugar
  • steel pressure vessels and tanks
  • surfaces and buildings according to WHG as well as waste water clarifiers made of reinforced concrete and according to WHG

Focus: Qualification

Focus: Qualification

  • competent and particularly competent persons for steel and reinforced concrete silos, industrial buildings of steel construction and reinforced concrete construction according to VDI guideline 6200
  • qualified planner for new construction and repair of concrete sealing constructions according to § 17 AwSV in connection with TRwS779
  • certified expert planner for concrete maintenance